We are looking for young visual artists for Young Artists Connections ’21!
Young Artists Connections, currently at its second edition, is a project dedicated to the young art scene,
initiated by SwitchLab in partnership with the National Museum of Contemporary Art - MNAC Bucharest.
The first edition was dedicated to alumni of art universities, who participated in a group exhibition at MNAC and a solo show at SwitchLab. In the recent context marked by a reevaluation of the (formats of) visibility of artistic practice the Y.A.C.’21 edition has shifted its focus on exchanges of / and gaining new perspectives.
What happens in the frame of Young Artists Connections ’21?
A portfolio review session, in the frame of which each artist will participate in 90 minutes meetings with 3 important curators from the international contemporary art scene:
- Katerina Gregos, director EMST – National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens, Greece
- Thomas Delamarre, director MAGCP – Maison des arts Georges et Claude Pompidou, Cajarc, France
- Simon Delobel, director KIOSK, Gent, Belgium
A group show (October 14 - November 11, 2021) at the National Museum of Contemporary Art—MNAC Bucharest. The presentation will include 5 young artists selected in the open call and will function as a framework for the portfolio review session.
Eligibility criteria:
- You should be a visual artist, aged up to 35 years, currently working in Romania;
- You should be able to participate in the portfolio review session, which will (physically) take place in Bucharest, at MNAC and SwitchLab:
- You should be able to send of personally deliver the selected work/works at MNAC Bucharest, in the time frame 1-10 October, in order for it/them to be exhibited.
How do I participate in the open call?
- Fill in the registration form until September 12th: https://forms.gle/HwjoWgfSa6kWYSBWA
- In the form, we will ask for you personal data, along with:
A portfolio (PDF format, max. 25 MB and up to 10 pages), which should contain:
- maximum 20 images of individual works or up to 3 projects, as well as technical information about them (size, materials, when they were created)
- for video materials, we ask you to send a vimeo/youtube link (that can be included in the PDF portfolio) - maximum 3 videos, with their descriptions.
*the proposed works should already be produced and the transport to MNAC is the responsibility of the artists.
**by filling out the form, you agree to the requirements / rules from above.
***the submissions that do not comply with all the requirements will not be taken into consideration.
What happens next?
The selection jury will be composed of representatives of MNAC and SwitchLab, and on September 20th we will let you know if you have been selected!
Young Artists Connections is a project aimed at promoting young visual artists and at facilitating a professional networking context, at an international level.
The project is co-financed by AFCN (The Administration of the National Cultural Fund, Romania).
*The results will be published on the websites of SwitchLab and MNAC Bucharest
**Unfortunately, we will not be able to personally answer each of the submitting artists.

Masterclass about storytelling in music documentaries
Maximum 5 Participants.
Send you CV + short motivation letter to morosanpatricia@gmail.com
Deadline: 2.11.2020
Masterclass by Berlin based filmmaker Uli M. Schueppel

For any photographer, the recording of images is the first part of their journey with a story. The process that begins after the camera has been put down is often more challenging. The photographer is required to reflect, to speak and even to write so that their work can have a full life.
The masterclass is about the creation of photobooks on the one hand, as well as about rethinking your work in the context of a photobook on the other hand.
Calin Kruse will work closely with the participants in the production of a dummy from their own photo projects over the course of three days, focusing on design, editing, sequencing and the importance and choice of materials in the production of photobooks.
This masterclass culminates with each participant creating a photobook dummy.
Maximum 6 Participants.
- own computer, images printed out (not high-end prints needed), copyshop print-outs that you can touch, fold, move around are preferable; as many images as possible.
- the hi-res files images on your computer.
- a text about the series, can be a self-written text, but also a quote, song-lyrics, etc.
Deadline: 20.08.2020
Calin Kruse studied Graphic-Design. He is the founder and maker of the photo magazine dienacht and of dienacht Publishing, and is a photographer himself. Calin is also a curator, holds guest talks, lectures, makes workshops (Vienna, Berlin, Lagos, Georgetown, Istanbul, Moscow, Mexico City, Rangoon,Copenhagen, Barcelona, ...) on photobook design and reviews portfolios. dienacht and dienacht Publishing have received several awards for its publications: Best German Photobook Awards, Best Books of the Year, Shortlist at the Paris Photo – Aperture Award, and a range of LeadAwards.

Young Artists Connections '20
Proiectul Young Artists Connections este inițiat de platforma de arte vizuale SwitchLab.
Young Artists Connections este un premiu la nivel naÈ›ional, gândit pentru a promova tinerii artiÈ™ti vizuali È™i de a facilita un context de networking profesional la nivel internaÈ›ional.
EÈ™ti student în an terminal sau ai absolvit o facultate de arte vizuale între 2018-2020?
Înscrie-te până pe 31 iulie È™i poÈ›i expune la MNAC sau la SwitchLab
În ce constă premiul?
Vom selecta 10 tineri artiști pentru o expoziție de grup la Muzeul Național de Artă Contemporană din București.
Fiecare artist selectat va primi un fee de 1000 lei brut. ExpoziÈ›ia va fi deschisă între 1-31 octombrie.
Un artist va fi selectat pentru un solo show în cadrul spaÈ›iului Switch Lab din BucureÈ™ti.
Artistul va primi un fee de 5000 lei brut. ExpoziÈ›ia va fi deschisă între 8 - 15 octombrie.
Participarea la o serie de portfolio reviews la care vor participa: Philippe van Cauteren directorul SMAK, Gent, Belgia, Koen Leemans directorul Centrului Cultural din Mechelen, Belgia, Benedicte Goesaert, art advisor, fost director Zeno X Gallery din Antwerp, Belgia, Călin Dan director MNAC, București, Romania.
Criterii de eligibilitate:
Să fii student în an terminal sau absolvent al unei facultăți de arte vizuale (licență/master) între 2018-2020, din România sau străinătate
Să poÈ›i participa la vernisajul expoziÈ›iei de grup la MNAC (1 octombrie) sau solo shou-ul de la SwitchLab (8 octombrie), în cazul în care eÈ™ti selectat(ă)
Să poÈ›i participa între 21-23 septembrie la o sesiune de portfolio review care va avea loc la SwitchLab, BucureÈ™ti.
Cum mă pot înscrie?
Completează formularul de înscriere până pe 31 iulie: https://forms.gle/Dymi7gKoKSBAByjM7
În formular avem nevoie de datele tale personale, precum È™i:
Un portofoliu format PDF (max. 65 MB și 15 pagini) urcat pe wetransfer.com care să conțină:
- 15-20 de imagini cu lucrări, precum și informații tehnice despre acestea (dimensiune, materiale, data realizării)
Pentru materiale video așteptăm un link de vimeo/youtube - maxim 5 video-uri cu descriere
Parteneri: Muzeul Național de Artă Contemporană, Administrația Fondului Cultural Național.